From Turtle to Butterfly

Archive for September 2020

Mom and me 🙂

Good morning, Father! Thank You for waking me this morning! If my Mom were still alive, she would be 84 today – the really funny thing about that statement is she is more alive today than she would be if she were still living on this broken earth! She has been more ALIVE for the last two years, four months and 19 days than she ever was on this earth!

Do I miss her? More than anyone here will ever know! Do I wish I could see her, hug her, laugh with her, cry with her just one more time? Of course! And I am comforted in knowing I WILL get to do ALL those things with her again – more than one more time – and yes, I know according to many, there are no tears in Heaven – but I’m beginning to think there MAY be tears of JOY in Heaven, Father, and, if that’s the case, I will DEFINITELY cry with Mom again, too!

Father, You know what an inspiration my Mom was to me on this earth. She loved You with not only her whole heart, she loved You with her entire BEING! No, she wasn’t perfect – none here are – but she was certainly the PERFECT Mom for me! She loved all of us (her children) equally – there were no ‘favorites’, no matter what Watson might think – ha! ha! You know I’m teasing, Father, and I love that You laughed right along with me when I said that!

Mom and all of us – plus a few extra 🙂

You know my Mom better than any of us here ever could – YOU created her and YOU appointed her to be our mother – and, OH! I just remembered – there was one child before me! I don’t remember if it was a boy or a girl or if we ever even knew, but this is the FIRST time I thought about it since Mom moved to Heaven! She FINALLY got to meet that child she never knew here on earth! How completely AMAZING is that? Thank You so much for reminding me of that on this special day!

Yes, this day will always be a special day for me because it is the day my Mom made her entrance into this world – or, more accurately put, it is the day a girl was born, who would one day BECOME my Mom! A very special day, indeed, for me! So, today, I will choose to remember the many, many good and wonderful times we had together and, yes, I may shed a tear or two, but one thing I won’t do is say ‘Happy Birthday in Heaven’ because I am most confident that, in Heaven, she is far too busy praising You to know anything at all about our ‘time’ constraints here on earth – she is FREE from  ALL that and has no knowledge of it being her ‘earthly’ birthday – why would they celebrate any ‘earthly’ thing in Heaven? Now, IF I could remember the day she gave her life to You, Father, and accepted Your Son, Jesus, as her Savior – her SECOND birthday, her HEAVENLY birthday – I might tell her on THAT day, but, then again, there is no TIME in Heaven or, if there is, it’s like nothing we could ever imagine or comprehend. So, I will simply choose to remember why this day is special to me and try to do everything I can to use it to bring glory and honor to You, Father, because not only would my Mom want that, it is what You ask of me each day. I love You 😊

September 11, 2001 – or as everyone likes to call it – nine eleven, the day so many lives changed, the day our country changed – for a little while, at least. A time when people began flocking to churches and our country became “united” in a way it hadn’t been in a long time; people coming together, praying together, looking to You, Father, like they hadn’t done in a long time (if ever).

Since that day, many people have said and it is seen written nearly everywhere: We will never forget – but haven’t many of us forgotten? All we have to do is look around at everything going on in this country today and see that most HAVE forgotten. People aren’t pulling TOGETHER these days, like they did then – it’s more like it’s every person for their own self. It makes me wonder what would happen to our country, if a similar incident took place today . . . would it bring us together, as it did 19 years ago, or would it tear us further apart? I honestly am saddened to say, I fear it would have the opposite effect, if it happened today, and would tear us further apart.

Father, my prayer today is for our country, our nation, to awaken out of this selfish slumber we find ourselves in and come TOGETHER again – TRULY TOGETHER – where we recognize You as our Sovereign God and we see each other as the HUMANS we are – imperfect, but each created by You and loved by You.

My prayer for today is that those who have scorned and rejected You, Your Son and the Holy Spirit would come to know You, as their Father; Your Son, Jesus Christ, as their personal Savior and the Holy Spirit as their comforter.

My prayer for today is for our country to once again become a nation God, the way it was founded to be, to become truly indivisible – because we are so divided right now – and the ONLY way we are going to find liberty and justice for all is if we truly find our way back to our very beginning – You, God. Father, You are the only way – finding our way back to You is the ONLY way this nation will become united again. My prayer today is that it doesn’t take another tragedy like that of 9-11 to wake us from our selfish slumber.

JESUS KNOCKINGI have days when I wonder if God really hears my prayers or are they simply hitting the ceiling and bouncing off? Then there are mornings, like this morning, when He lets me know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that He does, indeed, hear my prayers.

First, a little back story: I have a book by Sheri Rose Shepherd that I read from time to time. It is called “His Princess, Love Letters from Your King” and I began reading it again a while back. I read one letter every morning – like a devotional.

Yesterday morning, part of the prayer I wrote in my prayer journal was: “Father, I ask in the Name of Jesus, PLEASE continue to use me for Your glory!”

How He let me know He heard that prayer – well, just read the letter below and you’ll know. This was the letter I read from the book this morning:

My Princess…go where I send you. You seek Me for your place in this world and My answer to you is wherever you are standing. I love to hear you pray to be used by Me. Nothing pleases Me more than when your love flows warm and free. When you’re willing, I am ready to strategically place you somewhere to be a blessing. Even the smallest effort can lift the burden of someone else when you are living by My power. You won’t always understand why I send you to do things that no one else will see, but you don’t work for others – you work for Me. What you do now will be seen by all on the other side of eternity. So, go where I send you today, knowing that I have prepared the way. Love, Your King Who is the Way “Be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (I Corinthians 15:58)

So – did you catch that third sentence in the letter? Yeah, I KNOW He hears me when I pray. He always finds a way to let me know He hears me 😊 And, if you are His child, He hears you, too! If you are not His child, well, I would love to tell you how you can become His child. He loves you so much He gave His only Son for you! If you don’t know Him and you want to, reach out to someone today who can introduce Him to you. Reach out to me, if you’d like, or just get a Bible and let Him introduce Himself to you through His Word. He already loves you and He is waiting for you to answer His knock on the door of your heart. He’s a gentleman, though. He won’t force His way in – you have to open the door. When you do, you will never regret it!

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